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Vulcan Fire Training Concepts Courses

PL Vulcan Fire Training Concepts offer both Classroom & Hands-On Training by "Experienced Firefighters"
We pride ourselves on the fact we are a "senior" teaching crew. The Instructors all have 20+ years of experience in the fire service.

Take a look at our programs to decide which ones may be of interest to your Department.
Our most popular program is the "Weekend Combination Program". PL Vulcan offers Friday night Classroom Lecture along with a Saturday Hands-On Program. The Lecture runs approximately 2 1/2 to 3 hours. The Hands-On portion is 8 hours. This program allows firefighters to get their training requirements fulfilled without being put in the "doghouse" with their significant other.

News & Online Training

PL Vulcan Fire Training Concepts Online Training & News



Newly updated on the website, "places where we have been" under Departments Trained.  If you looking to schedule any type of class, see if we have been in your area!  We follow the motto, "Have class, will travel!".  

The 2021 Class Schedule is up to date on the Schedule Tab.  If youre looking to host a class we still have openings for this year.  Contact us ASAP because we are booking up fast!!!

Visit us on Facebook at PL Vulcan Fire Training Concepts for up to date pictures and success stories from all over the country!

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  7816 Hits

Busy Few Weeks Before We Celebrate Americas Birthday

These past few weeks have been busy for the boys of PLV.  Starting the month off in Covington, then Travis, Texas, to Old Mystic, Ct.  A few days were spent down in Ocean City, MD for the FOOLS convention and Spotsylvania, VA.  Tonight our instructors did Ventilation and Forcible Entry Operations for the Long Hill, CT Volunteer FD.  b2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150701-030033_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150701-030046_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150701-030050_1.jpg

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2015 Lt. Peter Lund Memorial Scholarship


The recipients of the 2015 Lt. Peter B. Lund Memorial Scholarship presented to two high school seniors at Hewlett High School are Amy Park and Cole Kugler. Each is presented with a $500.00 scholarship this evening courtesy of PL Vulcan.  Congratulations and Good Luck!

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  8981 Hits

Leland FD

b2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150603-033250_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150603-033236_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150603-033229_1.jpgThis past weekend PLV boys gave our man in machine class to the men and women of Leland Fire Rescue which is located just outside of Wilmington, NC.   The Leland Fire Rescue department developed FD CPR, which is a life saving maneuver you can use on a firefighter who suffers from sudden cardiac arrest.  Check it out....

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  9955 Hits

Happy Memorial Day and Welcome Aboard!


PLV would like to thank all our soldiers and veterans for keeping us safe and wish a Happy Memorial Day.  PLV would also like to welcome aboard Lt. Tim Klett of FDNY's Engine company 88 who will be teaching our Engine Company Operations program.  Welcome Tim!

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Staunton, VA

Staunton, VA

b2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224321_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224249_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224216_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224339_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224407_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224431_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224436_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224446_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224503_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224515_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224531_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224555_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224603_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-224609_1.jpgOver 40 students were trained this past weekend in the city of Staunton, Virginia.  PLV's 2 day Man in Machine class brought firefighters from the city of Staunton and surrounding counties to the downtown firehouse for some great training.  Even a city administrator whom oversees the Fire Department in Staunton came out and got dirty in our hands on stations.  Now if we can only get the bosses to approve her summer safety shoes for the rest of the boys!

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Montgomeryville FD, PA

Montgomeryville FD, PA

On May 9th the boys from PLV gave the brothers from the Montgomeryville FD our Man in Machine class.  Over 20 students were trained in the one day class.  A Special thank you for your hospitality to the men and women from Mongomeryville FD, and a legend, also our friend retired Brooklyn Dispatcher 120.  "Saddle Up"b2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-222326_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-222356_1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_image_20150525-222410_1.jpg

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Pigeon Forge, TN


On May 2nd and 3rd PLV was invited back to do our Man in Machine class for the Pigeon Forge annual training seminar and trade show.  Pigeon Forge, home to Dollywood, held their annual seminar at the Leconte center where over 20 students were trained over the two day class.

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  8826 Hits

FDIC 2015

A big thank you goes out to the staff of FDIC and Penwell for having us back to Indianapolis for FDIC 2015!  255 students were trained in our 2 day HOT class, and many others in classroom presentations by Mark Gregory, James Sandas, and Pat Nichols.  PL Vulcan keeping our students dry from the elements 2 years in a row.


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  9846 Hits

Elizabethtown FD Training

Recently members of the Elizabethtown FD "74" conducted a drill on their Man in Machine skills they learned in our class.  Thank you to Captain Ryan Myers for the photos!



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  8200 Hits

Avoca Hose Company - PA

Avoca Hose Company - PA

The boys from PLV are at it this weekend just outside Scranton, PA doing Man in Machine for the Avoca Hose Co.  Over 50 students will be trained in our often immitated, never duplicated Man in Machine class!

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  7365 Hits

Back in RI

This weekend PLV is back in the great state of Rhode Island to give our Man in Machine class in West Greenwich.  

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  5565 Hits

Starting the New Year off with a bang!

Tomorrow we kick off the 2015 year with our own Mark Gregory giving a Fireground Operations Lecture in West Hempstead, Long Island, while this weekend some of the PLV boys are heading up to Rhode Island to teach our Man vs Machine class.  This is just the start to another busy year!  So far 30 classes have been booked for 2015.  Drop us a line to schedule your class today!

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  5360 Hits

Pregnant Woman Pinned Under Vehicle Saved Using Portable Ladder



On Tuesday December 2nd, a 10 year old girl and her pregnant mother were struck by a Honda Odyssey while crossing 60th Street in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn.  F.D.N.Y. Engine Company 247 was the first on scene and successfully rescued the mother who was pinned under the vehicle, using their 24' Portable Ladder and Standpipe Rollups.  This evolution is taught in our Man vs Machine class.  See the link below for the article in the NY Daily News.

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  7346 Hits

Happy Thanksgiving!!

From all the men at PLV, we would like to wish everyone and their families a happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving.   Thank you to all students for an exceptional year and for those whom haven't taken a class yet, we look forward to working with you in the future.  Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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  5487 Hits

Another busy weekend...

For the second weekend in a row, the boys at PLV were out teaching three classes in two different states and even another country.  Dover township, PA and Winterville FD along with other surrounding Fire Departments in NC came out for our Man in Machine class while PLV's own Mark Gregory and Pat Nichols were up in Dieppe, New Brunswick Canada for a Firefighting Lecture.  Both Mark and Pat were featured in a segment of the local news channel's broadcast in Dieppe.  See the link below.

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  5537 Hits

Busy Weekend for the PLV boys...

This weekend the boys from PLV are scattered throughout 3 different states with our Man vs Machine class.  Taking place in Clinton, NJ, Goodwill Fire Co. in Hyde Park, PA and upstate NY in Clinton Heights just outside of Albany.  Over 60 students will be trained this weekend in all classes!

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  5461 Hits

Saturday November 1st

This weekend the men of PLV will be instructing at two separate Man in Machine classes both in the state of New Jersey.  Hillsborough, NJ is holding our class while the Revolutionary FOOLS are holding a class in Randolph, NJ.  If you're in the area stop by and say hello!

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Upcoming Classes

This weekend the boys of PLV are off to Orrville, OH for an Auto Extrication class and to Spring Township PA for our infamous Man vs Machine class.  If you're in the area of these classes drop by to say hello!

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  5274 Hits

18 month old Stuck in toy machine...

(WBIR) A toddler is safe after getting stuck in a toy machine in Maryville.

The 18-month-old Colin Lambert managed to climb into the toy machine at a coin laundry shop at 1601 East Lamar Alexander at about 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Colin's grandmother, Diane O'Neill, says she looked away for just a moment to check a text message, and the little boy crawled in the machine while she was distracted.

"All I could see was his feet. He had already crawled in," she said. "I grabbed his feet and he kicked my hand and got in. Climbed up over the glass partition and sat down in the toys."    

Click on the link below for the full story...


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  5302 Hits